From the silent community
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Fri Feb 19 08:59:39 PST 2010
Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 10:09:18 -0500, Jordi <jordi at> wrote:
>> Yes, I think there is some amount of "despotism" in the way it is
>> being done, but i don't understand at all how people can come here to
>> complain so much. Guys, if you don't like this, move on to another
>> language, fork this one, or stay and try to be constructive, submit
>> patches, etc. Many things can be done better, but don't forget how
>> much you are paying for this (hint, 0) and how much right you have to
>> be angry if this people don't do as you say (hint, none).
> Don't take all heated arguments on this news group at face value :)
> Most people here respect each other's opinions and simply have different
> opinions on what is better. Especially with Walter calling the shots,
> it becomes almost necessary to mount a very strong argument. He
> notoriously resists change until the last possible moment. This is both
> frustrating and also a very very good thing. I think without this
> resistance D would have disintegrated into a mass of unusable complexity
> long ago.
> There are the perennial complainers that don't add much positive to the
> discussion, but even they have good points sometimes. I'd hate to ask
> people to leave the newsgroup because more sets of eyes are better for
> any product to become as good as it can be!
> Please, everyone continue to have strong opinions and voice them! Great
> ideas do not come from silence.
Agreed. In particular, "good" silence creates the issue that a small
vocal group can make their opinion appear much more consensual than it
really is. I recall the case with @property: it seemed like everybody
and their dog was pro- at property, but it turned out that at the poll a
silent majority thought otherwise.
I think that phenomenon has a name in politics (large but not organized
majority with interests hurt by a small, focused, and motivated group).
Well fortunately that's not the case for us :o).
>> I have great hopes for D2, that will be resolved favorable or not
>> after the secret concurrency stuff is published and GDC catches up.
> I have to address this, please go to to view
> all the "secret" concurrency stuff ;) And phobos discussion. If you
> want to join the list, simply subscribe! There is no secret here.
Sorry, I had to remove the PDF when I sent the manuscript. Anyone who
has it, please do not share. The book will be out there soon.
BTW, in related news: my editor offered a contract for a PDF edition,
looking towards Kindle, Sony Reader, and perhaps iPhone and iTampon. I
guess they liked what they saw :o).
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