Whither Tango?
kennytm at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 11:46:09 PST 2010
On Feb 21, 10 00:41, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> KennyTM~ wrote:
>> Major silly names:
>> - std.file.slurp
> http://search.cpan.org/~dconway/Perl6-Slurp-0.03/Slurp.pm
> http://code.google.com/p/python-pipeline/wiki/slurp
It maybe very common in Perl, but a name used by one or two
languages/non-standard libraries cannot be a proof that it's a good name
or widely used outside that circle.
(I prefer "readLines" or "parseLines")
>> - std.iterator.retro, std.range.retro
> Some arond here seem to be very comfortable about it. Anyway, let's find
> another one (can't be "reverse").
>> - std.random.dice (it is a discrete distribution...)
> What's wrong with dice?
The name, it sounds silly, that's it ;) (My alternatives will be very
long and you won't use it anyway.)
>> - std.range.cons
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cons
As if I knew Lisp. (See slurp) ("prepend")
>> - std.range.iota
> C++, APL, Go:
> http://bytes.com/topic/c/answers/446688-iota
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iota
Shall we rename "cos" to "circle(2, x)"? (See slurp)
("range", or make a..b into a range.)
>> - std.string.chomp, chompPrefix, chop
> http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/chomp.html
> http://www.pageresource.com/cgirec/ptut13.htm
> http://php.net/manual/en/function.chop.php
> http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/String.html#M000819
>> - std.string.munch
> Inspired from here:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximal_munch
"match". Or "parsePattern" as used in std.metastrings. (Or rename them
into "munchInteger"?)
>> - std.string.sformat
> Alternative?
"formatBuffer". What does the "s" mean anyway?
>> - std.utf.stride (which is totally different from std.range.stride)
> Agreed. Alternative?
"sequenceLength", "codePointLength", or rename std.range.stride to "skip".
>> Minor annoyances:
>> - std.contracts.enforceEx (sounds like Win32 API which you should use
>> in favor of enforce.)
> Agreed. Alternative?
"exceptionEnforce", similar to "errnoEnforce".
>> - std.path.rel2abs (why not relToAbs?)
> It's shorter and apparently there's no trouble in understanding it.
I agree.
>> - std.range.sameHead (should be sameFront?)
> Agreed.
>> - std.stream.Stream.readBlock & writeBlock (sounds like blocking vs
>> non-blocking operations, esp. for SocketStream.)
> std.stream will be terminated.
>> - and many inconsistent naming conventions, e.g.
>> * std.string.ljustify vs stripl
>> * std.string.countchars (all lower) vs inPattern (CamelCase)
> This is Walter's experiment of wheelbarrowing string functions from
> several languages into std.string. I'd like to fix that.
Nice to know that.
> Andrei
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