D hates to be dynamic linked

Eldar Insafutdinov e.insafutdinov at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 03:05:08 PST 2010

Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

> Most programs can be written just fine without dynamically linked libraries, 
> so I can certainly see why Walter would not consider it a high priority with 
> everything else on his plate, but I do hope that he gets to it eventually.

I disagree here. Yes they can be written, but at some point in time deveopers rewrite it using plugin architecture. From software that I use everyday plugginalble are: file manager(gnome), messenger(pidgin), browser(plugins of different taste, but nevertheless), IDEs(most of them: MSVC, Qt Creator, Eclipse...).

I work for the company and all of its software is plugins to bigger programs...

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