A rationale for pure nothrow ---> @pure @nothrow (and nothing else changes)

Steve Teale steve.teale at britseyeview.com
Sat Feb 27 08:34:12 PST 2010

> I genuinely thought @pure, @nothrow was a no-brainer.
> I really thought the explanation that "we made all attibutes use the @
> form, except those where it was prevented by historical precedent" was
> quite defensible.
> But I was very, very wrong. Looks like the community is giving a massive
> vote for complete unpredictability.
> <Throws hands in air />

I'm with Don - it may not be perfect, but I can understand it. If we go 
along the other track, we're talking 1-3 months delay.

Start thinking like project managers for a little while - yes, a 
pathological proposition. Once D2 is out, you can go back to business as 
usual. The alternative is endless procrastination and D being a language 
that was superseded before it was finalized.


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