output ranges: by ref or by value?
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Fri Jan 1 06:47:58 PST 2010
Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 16:47, Michel Fortin <michel.fortin at michelf.com
> <mailto:michel.fortin at michelf.com>> wrote:
> On 2009-12-31 09:58:06 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu
> <SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
> <mailto:SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org>> said:
> The question of this post is the following: should output ranges
> be passed by value or by reference? ArrayAppender uses an extra
> indirection to work properly when passed by value. But if we
> want to model built-in arrays' operator ~=, we'd need to request
> that all output ranges be passed by reference.
> I think modeling built-in arrays is the way to go as it makes less
> things to learn. In fact, it makes it easier to learn ranges because
> you can begin by learning arrays, then transpose this knowledge to
> ranges which are more abstract and harder to grasp.
> I agree. And arrays may well be the most used range anyway.
Upon more thinking, I'm leaning the other way. ~= is a quirk of arrays
motivated by practical necessity. I don't want to propagate that quirk
into ranges. The best output range is one that works properly when
passed by value.
> Beside, an extra indirection is wasteful when you don't need it.
> It's easier to add a new layer of indirection when you need one than
> the reverse, so the primitive shouldn't require any indirection.
> So (squint through sleep-deprived eyes:) that makes it by ref, right?
> // pseudo-method
> void put(R, E)(ref R tgt, E e) {
> tgt.front = e;
> tgt.popFront();
> }
It doesn't. The ref in there is to pass tgt to the pseudo-method put,
not to the function that invokes it.
> A few random comments, sorry if they are not entirely coherent:
> - this new put needs hasAssignableElements!R, right? What's in this case
> the difference between isOutputRange!R and hasAssignableElements!R?
It's a good question. There are two possible designs:
1. In the current design, the difference is that hasAssignableElements!R
does not imply the range may grow. Consider this:
auto a = new int[10], b = new int[10];
copy(a, b);
This should work. But this shouldn't:
auto a = new int[10], b = new int[5];
copy(a, b);
because copy does not grow the target. If you want to append to b, you
copy(a, appender(&b));
2. In the design sketched in
iteration is separated from access. In that approach, you'd have a
one-pass range for both input and output.
I'm not sure which design is better. (Suggestions are welcome.) For a
pure output range, it's awkward to define empty() (what should it
return?) and it's also awkward to put elements by calling two functions
front/popFront instead of one.
> - should all higher-order ranges expose a put method if possible?
> (stride comes to mind, but also take or filter).
I don't think so. The generic put will take care of that.
> - does that play nice with the new auto ref / ref template parameter
> from 2.038? It seems to me that this new feature will go hand in hand
> with this, but I may be mistaken.
There's no obvious connection. The nice thing about auto ref is this:
struct SomeAdapterRange(R) if (isWhateverRange!R) {
private R src;
@property auto ref front() {
return src.front;
You don't want to see how that looks today. Actually:
Search the page for "mixin" :o}.
> - your shim method will be used like this:
> put(r,e);
> whereas for an output range you use:
> r.put(e);
> and you cannot freely go from one form to the other, except for arrays,
> which are output ranges anyway [*]. Does that mean that you must
> disseminate static if ByRef/Assignable/Output/Whatever checks
> everywhere, to use either put(r,e) or r.put(e)?
The D language automatically rewrites the latter into the former.
> - what if R is a range of ranges (ie: if E is itself a range). Should
> put by invoked recursively? What if its a chunked range?
I don't know.
> - something I wanted to ask for a long time: does put really write to
> the range as written in the docs or to the underlying container for
> which the output range is but a 'writable' view? The container/range
> separation does not exist for arrays, but is important for other cases.
Depends on how the range is defined. Appender holds a pointer to an
array and appends to it. But appender is a special-purpose range. A
usual range cannot change the topology of the container it's under.
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