casting array literals doesn't work as stated in the docs

Trass3r un at
Sun Jan 3 08:21:07 PST 2010

Am 03.01.2010, 14:00 Uhr, schrieb bearophile <bearophileHUGS at>:

> Trass3r:
>> Alternative 1: I heard struct literals could be removed.
> I haven't heard that. They are recently changed a little, but you  
> already know that from another thread.

I read somewhere it might conflict with function literals: {...}

>> Alternative 2:
>> 1) it's cumbersome, especially if you got a huge array
> But it's clean & readable, and more flexible because later you can add a  
> static opCall that does what you want. You can use a Python script or an  
> IDE to generate the D code.

I don't need to be flexible. In this simple case I only need a
A good language like D should provide a neat, clean way to accomplish that
without involving another language or tool (which in fact is already
supported but it simply doesn't work at compile-time that way)

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