D's auto keyword

Leandro Lucarella llucax at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 09:53:38 PST 2010

bearophile, el 13 de enero a las 12:01 me escribiste:
> > btw. Do any other languages have an "auto" var idiom?  I don't remember Scala having such (and it's really modern), though perhaps my memory lapses.
> In C# it's named "var" that's one char shorter :-) Other languages have something similar, a local form of simple type inference.

Go allows var and an even shorter alternative, the := operator:

var x = 1   <===>   x := 1

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
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Me encanta el éxito; por eso prefiero el estado de progreso constante,
con la meta al frente y no atrás.
	-- Ricardo Vaporeso. Punta del Este, Enero de 1918.

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