What's left to do for a stable D2?
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Fri Jan 22 08:21:09 PST 2010
Jason House wrote:
> Jesse Phillips Wrote:
>> Jason House wrote:
>>> Andrei's finishing his last TDPL chapter, Sean is updating std.thread(?), and Walter's been fixing forward reference and CTFE bugs. What's left?
>> This page[1] has been getting regular updates, so it should do a good
>> job answering the question.
>> 1. http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?LanguageDevel#FutureDirections
> I believe most "future directions" will be D3 or beyond. I'm pretty certain that Andrei wants TDPL to match D2. All but one chapter has been written, and TDPL related bugs have gotten priority. There should be very few feature changes between now and D2 finalization.
> Andrei, Walter, Sean, can you comment?
You mean the list "Known D2.0, Language"? Here's what I think (Walter is
the ultimate go-to person):
# Operator overloading: opBinary!("+"), opUnary!("--"), opIndexAssign!("*").
# opDollar ( Bugzilla:3474).
# Move complex and imaginary types from language into std.complex.
# Fix the array stomping issue (T[new] was one proposal for this).
We have a design that partially resolves it. Steve Schveighoffer has
implemented it.
# Remove C-style declarations.
I don't think they'll be removed, but TDPL doesn't mention them.
# Remove typedef.
# Remove struct initializers.
# Remove floating point NCEG operators
# Remove "length" from array index expressions ( Bugzilla:3474).
Dunno. Hope so! TDPL won't mention it, so it's real bad if the feature
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