Google's Go
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Sun Jan 24 00:12:12 PST 2010
grauzone wrote:
> dsimcha wrote:
>> Multiple return values are a horrible substitute for exceptions,
>> because they
>> require the programmer to explicitly check the return value. (When's
>> the last
>> time you checked the return value of printf, or even malloc?) IMHO
>> the best thing
>> about exceptions is that they provide a sane default for error
>> handling: If you
>> don't handle them then you've effectively asserted that they can't
>> happen in your
>> situation. If this "assertion" fails, then our program fails fast and
>> with an
>> error message that massively narrows down where the problem is. I
>> flat-out refuse
>> to program in a language where the default is for errors to be ignored
>> and I have
>> to constantly write explicit error-checking boilerplate even if I
>> don't care about
>> handling the error.
> Exception handling in D (or C++/Java for that matter) isn't that great
> either. In D, you don't even know what exceptions a function may throw.
> It's completely dynamic. You may even accidentally catch unknown
> exceptions, because your catch-filter isn't "narrow" enough.
> Java has checked exceptions, but they are misdesigned, get in the
> programmers way, and generally suck. Feels almost like D copied the
> standard Java feature by the letter, removing checked exceptions, and
> call that an improvement.
For my money, D2 exceptions (as designed and described in TDPL) are
better than all other exception frameworks, by a mile. This is mainly
because D offers a practical methods of handling collateral exceptions
(exceptions thrown during the stack unwinding caused by other exceptions).
> Also, let's have a look how exceptions improve the robustness of most
> Java code:
> try { something(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getLogger().log(e); }
> I guess D programmers are just better than D programmers, which makes
> this example out of place, of course. Or they just let it fall through,
> until it gets catched by a similar catch-all statement.
> Generally, exceptions as they are implemented in some popular languages
> seem to give the impression that you don't need to care about error
> handling. That isn't always true and probably only works in small
> command line tools.
I agree! I'd put it even stronger.
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