Function calls

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Thu Jan 28 06:45:15 PST 2010

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> 1. Choosing between including @property or not is rare.  Most cases 
>> are obvious.  If you worked with a language that requires property 
>> notation (i.e. C#) this would not be as big an issue for you.
> I need to put it for all front() and empty() declarations. By the way I 
> decided that popFront() is not a property. I don't know why.

Because it's an action, not a property.  Simple as that. :)

Actually, the functions you mention are probably the best examples of 
why the @property attribute is so cool.  Using it, you can signify that 
empty tests for emptiness, and doesn't empty() the range or container.

Rule of thumb:
   noun or adjective --> property
   verb --> not property



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