Accessors, byLine, input ranges
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at
Fri Jan 29 06:49:08 PST 2010
On Fri, 29 Jan 2010 09:34:25 -0500, Michel Fortin
<michel.fortin at> wrote:
> On 2010-01-29 08:18:46 -0500, "Steven Schveighoffer"
> <schveiguy at> said:
>> Hey, it's that dead horse again, let's beat it!
>> Andrei and I and several others discussed this ad infinitum. You
>> will never convince Andrei that his design is wrong :)
> Andrei is the one who complained that it's difficult to know whether
> 'byLine' is a property in the first place. I'm just explaining why it
> is, and what should be done.
I agree.
> I'm starting to think Anrei likes ambiguous semantics. :-)
>> The truth is, the fact that byLine modifies stdin by its mere existence
>> proves to be inconsequential. Nobody will fetch the byLine property
>> without using it. It's still an accessor.
> That's only true if you use byLine exclusively.
> Here is a case where the advance fetching of byLine could go wrong:
> // fetch 3 lines:
> string[] consume(3, stdin.byLine);
> // now fill a buffer
> ubyte[] buffer;
> buffer = stdin.rawRead(buffer);
> E[] consume(E, R)(int count, R range) {
> E[] elements;
> foreach (i; 0..count) {
> elements ~= range.front;
> range.popFront();
> }
> return elements;
> }
> The problem here is that the consume() function will in reality consume
> 4 lines of stdin, even though it just take 3 from byLine.
> When we later call rawRead, a line has been lost.
Yeah, I am on your side. byLine has some nuances that make it
incompatible with other uses of the stream. In fact, byLine might only be
useful in processing the entire file. Hm... opApply?
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