D: An Up and Coming Embedded Software Language

bearophile bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Thu Jul 1 14:54:54 PDT 2010

Michel Fortin:
> I sure hope it will. In the meanwhile, more and more code is being 
> written in (or ported to) D2 which is potentially missing 'override' 
> everywhere. Wouldn't it be better to do this sooner rather than later?

Both Walter and Andrei want it, so it's a matter of time. It doesn't even need to be implemented, because this test is already present in the compiler: I generally suggest D programmers to compile their code with the -w (warnings), it helps catch some bugs and it forces you to use override.
And even if some D2 code lacks override, you need a very short place add a hundred missing "override" in a large program.


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