Why is array.reverse a property and not a method?
Lars T. Kyllingstad
public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Tue Jul 13 01:07:21 PDT 2010
On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:42:49 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> I'd to do some more renaming around Phobos and figure out an approach to
> deprecating names that aren't longer used.
> I'm thinking:
> std.conv -> std.conversion
> Rationale: it's a seldom typed name so shortening it is just odd
Yes! :)
> std.stdio -> std.io
> Rationale: stuttering sucks.
Oh man, YES!
> put(R, E) -> putNext(R, E)
> Rationale: conveys the notion that there is progress in the output.
OK by me, but I've never seen it as a problem.
> BidirectionalRange -> DoublyEndedRange
> Rationale: bidirectional suggests something that can move *in* either
> direction, whereas in fact the range can be shortened from either end.
I'd never thought of that, but it's probably a good idea.
> Would this be an improvement?
In summary, yes. :)
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