Why is array.reverse a property and not a method?

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Tue Jul 13 11:24:34 PDT 2010

"eris" <jvburnes at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:i1i4bs$1c0e$1 at digitalmars.com...
> It's an improvement, but I believe the proper English prefix for something 
> that is doubly-reflective in that sense is "Duplex".  It's also easier and 
> shorter to pronounce.  Say it with me now:
> "DuplexRange"

I'm a native Englsh speaker, and if I saw something called "DuplexRange", my 
first thought would be "Wait, is that full-duplex or half-duplex?" But maybe 
that's just me :)

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