[OT] CMS recommendation for these criteria...?

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Tue Jul 27 13:58:54 PDT 2010

I was going to try to whip up a simple thing myself, but I'm thinking if 
there's something that'll already do what I need, why bother? So, does 
anyone know of a CMS or blog system they can recommend that can be easily 
set up to fit these requirements?:

- Works on Linux x86 / Apache 1.3.
- Uses either PHP5 or CGI.
- Uses MySQL (or even just flat files).
- Allows me to easily put up posts/articles.
- Public comments on the posts/articles.
- Anonymous comments, BUT requires a CAPTCHA for them (I've had nothing but 
trouble with any other form of anti-spam).
- Everything is fully-functional without JS (Although, if the admin panel is 
the only thing that requires JS, I can deal with that.)
- Passwords are never sent in the clear, even with JS off (I have an SSL 
cert, so https is no problem, plus I'm not worried about https overhead).
- Doesn't have that session sidejacking exploit.
- Naturally, all the basic expected stuff, like editing posts, deleting bad 
comments, etc.

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