FFT Lib?

Fawzi Mohamed fawzi at gmx.ch
Fri Jul 30 01:26:54 PDT 2010

On 29-lug-10, at 15:31, dsimcha wrote:

> == Quote from Fawzi Mohamed (fawzi at gmx.ch)'s article
>> otherwise, as I already said http://www.netlib.org/fftpack/fft.c is
>> public domain, has reasonable performance, and supports all sizes.
>> It might not be the always beautiful, but it is stable and works  
>> well...
>> Fawzi
> Yeah, I just looked at this code.  The problem is that I wouldn't do  
> a straight,
> mechanical port to D, I'd D-ify the code a little while I was at it  
> (such as
> making it work on generic random access ranges if it's an out of  
> place transform,
> making real-only inputs vs. complex inputs DRYer with templates,  
> etc.).  Since
> this code seems to have been straight-up translated from FORTRAN, it  
> scores about
> a -2 the readability scale, from 1 to 10.  In other words, I would  
> probably be
> able to translate it and make it run, but even the slightest  
> modification would be
> near impossible.

eheh this must meant that too much fortran inured me, I did not find  
the code too bad, I classified it as a typical numerical intensive  
code (even rather clean where one can easily find the boundaries of  
the arrays, and without too many goto), and templating float, using  
slices as input seemed easy.
But yes probably it is not the best basis to develop your own thing.
Ahrg fortran ruined me ;).


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