A problem with D contracts

bearophile bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Sat Jul 31 19:47:10 PDT 2010

Jonathan M Davis:

> So, while I can see why purity for contracts could be useful, what we have does 
> the job, and enforcing purity has serious downsides.

You have missed half (well, two thirds) of what I was trying to say. It's not just about enforcing purity (or just @readonly of names in outer scopes), but it's also a problem of automatic analysis of notation (code). If you have generic D code it's harder to perform inferences on it. That's the purpose of those forall, etc, I have tried to talk about (and maybe you have also missed the part about the relation between code size and bug-prone nature of contracts).

Automatic verification of contracts is an important feature, that can be made much harder (or impossible) to implement if contract contents aren't clean and simple. Putting print statements inside contracts is just wrong. As in future probably a second documentation system will be added/used to/in D, a second unit-testing system too, probably eventually a second contract system too will be added/used, because the built-in ones are not designed in a serious way, all three of them are just toys :-) "keeping their usage simple" doesn't hold when they lack essential features (I have discussed about missing parts in unittest system recently).


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