
Ary Borenszweig ary at esperanto.org.ar
Wed Jun 16 02:28:46 PDT 2010

On 06/16/2010 04:15 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> bearophile wrote:
>>> I have counted about 200 usages of std.contracts.enforce() inside
>>> Phobos. Can you tell me what's the purpose of enforce() in a language
>>> that has built-in Contract Programming?
>> I can see two benefits:
> The difference is not based on those 3 points, but on what Andrei wrote
> here. Contracts and error checking are completely distinct activities
> and should not be conflated.

Could you please explain them? There are many people here that don't 
understand the difference between these two concepts (including me). So 
maybe we are too dumb, maybe those concepts are not generally known or 
maybe the explanation is not very well clear in the documentation.

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