Is it time for D1 to die of natural causes?

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Wed Jun 23 10:43:05 PDT 2010

"Justin Johansson" <no at> wrote in message 
news:hvt27i$hd4$1 at
> Now that Andrei's much anticipated publication of TDPL is out, is it time 
> that D1 should now perish?
> My personal feeling is that by cremating D1, time and effort can then be 
> better expended and focused on solidifying D2.

Other people brought up other issues with doing that, but I'll add this: D1 
users are primarily Tango users. And until Tango goes D2, those user's 
migration paths to D2 would be fairly large (certainly not impossible, but 
notably harder than it would really need to be).

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