Automatic library download plan

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Fri Jun 25 13:44:27 PDT 2010

"Adam Ruppe" <destructionator at> wrote in message 
news:mailman.216.1277497077.24349.digitalmars-d at
>I was thinking this morning about a way to have a simple way for D
> library distribution. Let me run it by you guys, and we'll discuss if
> it is a good plan. The short version is it takes a package -> URL
> mapping file and downloads on http, based on the .d file being in an
> expected folder.

I haven't given much thought to the details of your proposal, but a couple 

- This should probably use DMDZ (or is it ZDMD?), or be built on-top of it.

- It should probably be possible for the mapping file to be specified as a 
URL, and there should be a default official URL (at or somewhere 
like that), and a set of official backup mirror URLs (which could be updated 
whenever the the system connects to the official URL).

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