LDC, GDC for D2

Eldar Insafutdinov e.insafutdinov at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 12:43:57 PDT 2010

dsimcha Wrote:

> Now that Andrei's book is out and the D2 spec is (fairly) stable, is there
> going to be any serious effort to port LDC to D2?  Also, regarding GDC, I've
> noticed that no D2-related checkins have happened in a long time.
> In both cases, is there any good technical reason for the lack of focus on D2,
> or is it just that D2 has stabilized very recently and given the limited
> resources of these projects, D1 is considered a higher priority?

I'd say that in both cases it is the lack of interest from the contributors. Also, although D2 seems to have stabilized, many of the important problems in the language are not solved.

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