Ruby vs Python (Was: Arguments and attributes with the same name)

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Fri Mar 5 23:28:59 PST 2010

"bearophile" <bearophileHUGS at> wrote in message 
news:hmolpn$1fnv$1 at
> Python was born to write scripts, not to write large multi-programmer 
> applications. Later they have patched some holes, but some of the original 
> more "relaxed" nature of Python shows still (Ruby is worse than Python 
> regarding large multiprogrammer programs).

As someone who's still somewhat of a novice at ruby, but trying it out a 
little (b/c it seems to be kind of like a python without 
indentation-scoping), I'm curious what you see in ruby as being worse for 
large programs than python.

In ruby, I've already been bit by the fact that any explicit "return" from a 
closure returns from not just the closure itself, but also from the function 
that called the closure, all the way through the stack, and finally 
returning from the function that the closure was defined in (unless you 
remembered to create the closure using the "lambda" keyword). I can imagine 
a host of problems stemming from that, but not a single useful use-case. I 
assume you've seen some other large-project drawbacks in ruby besides that? 

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