
Bernard Helyer b.helyer at
Wed Mar 10 14:06:04 PST 2010

On 11/03/10 09:42, James Iry wrote:
> But that wasn't the question.   The question was "does a language have to enforce purity in order to be a functional language" and the answer is that historically that has not been the case.

I know nothing about FP, but isn't the statement 'does a language have 
to enforce $(PRECONDITION_X) in order to be a $(PARADIGM_LANGUAGE)' a 
fairly broad one? Can't most languages be programmed in such a way as to 
fulfill most paradigms through strict coding practices?

I guess the question then becomes a question of degrees (Logical 
Programming in x86 assembly?), and as I said, I know nothing about FP, 
so I will deftly run away.

Brave, brave Sir Robin...

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