GC.calloc with random bits causes slowdown, also seen in built in AA
Michael Rynn
michaelrynn at optusnet.com.au
Wed Mar 10 17:33:32 PST 2010
Looked at the Associative Arrays project on http://www.dsource.org/
projects/aa, with the idea of testing and maybe uploading a trie class
(radix tree)..
Ran the test program for PyDict noted the average result for consecutive
runs of the one test it did, for uint[unit] associative arrays.
This was very irritating, because of long wait for command line output.
The test.d default sizes and number of runs were very big and only put
out the average result at the end.
Changed test.d to output each individual run time.
The time for each individual run got progressively longer.
This was fixable by making the calloc block attribute be
GC.BlkAttr.NO_SCAN. So maybe the randomized uint bits confuse the
garbage collector as it scans through.
In the PyDictD1 test code there was a call to disable the garbage
collector. Thats cheating.
I looked at the code for PyDictD2.d and I decided that the table of
struct Entry, holding the key and value, for which calloc is used ,
could be replaced by a more D - like (its a template anyway) call to new
Entry[size]. The size is always a power of 2.
Is it better to use new Entry[] rather than calloc, since the GC has a
map of which values are pointers and which are not? Hopefully just like
real D code.
Ran the test again after removing the calloc, and the speed improved and
the progressive run time increase went away.
For comparison, I also put in a wrapper class template for the built in D
AA type, and did the same tests. For uint[unit] this also had a
progressive slow down in run-time. Same issue found for the D1 builtin
So the built-in associative array type of D suffers from this disease.
(under very stressful array size parameters of course). It might affect
long running programs with big builtin AA tables.
The mystery is why was the slowdown progressive. After each run the AA
variable is deleted, and the GC gets told to delete the calloc array
directly. If the previous block of memory is properly gone, and a new
cleared block created, shouldn't the run results be the same each time?
So now the PyDict does not use calloc. and is faster than the built-in. I
added a few missing properties (length, opIndex)
The tests for string[uint] were re-instated. The built in AA had some
progressive run slowdown tendency for this as well, although not as
The trie class (which has been submitted) had made was miserably slow in
comparison to the PyDict for inserts. Lookups were much faster, but
still not in the same ballpark as AA.
My prior excitement about the lookup speed of the radix tree was actually
due to an embarrassment of having code in an assert statement removed on
the release compile.
The trie class however, at least can do prefix key completion well.
PyDictD1 is updated with the same change.
The code is updated in SVN, so anyone can check out the changes. (and
even update with any Dsource login).
Michael Rynn
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