Obfuscating function names and the like inside exe file

Robert Jacques sandford at jhu.edu
Sat Mar 20 09:24:20 PDT 2010

On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 10:12:14 -0300, bobef  
<_asd_ASd_ASD_Asdasd_ASd at asdasda___dasd.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was wondering if someone know of way to obfuscate all the strings and  
> function names and class names inside DMD Windows generated exe file.  
> Opening the file with notepad shows all kinds of strings and names in  
> clear text and since my application handles some sensitive data it gives  
> me an extra feeling of insecurity. Any suggestions?
> Thanks

Regarding function names/etc. I'd expect any industry standard obfuscator  
would scramble them for you. A bigger problem is the data segment which  
stores any constant strings, etc. If you really have to include them in  
your program, I'd recommend writing a compile time encrypt and runtime  
decrypt function pair. i.e.

string name = rt_decrypt(ct_encrypt!"important name");

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