static foreach
bearophileHUGS at
Fri Mar 19 15:54:25 PDT 2010
This can be a small thing for the future.
This is a little example of usage of the "fold" at compile-time in C++ using Boost MPL:
typedef vector<long,float,short,double,float,long,long double> types;
typedef fold<
, int_<0>
, if_< is_float<_2>,next<_1>,_1 >
>::type number_of_floats;
BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION( number_of_floats::value, ==, 4 );
There are several ways to write something like that in D2, I prefer this one, a foreach on types in a templated compile-time function:
int countFloats(Types...)() {
int tot;
foreach (T; Types)
tot += __traits(isFloating, T);
return tot;
static assert(countFloats!(long,float,short,double,float,long,real) == 4);
void main() {}
That's better than the C++ code.
When I've ported my dlibs to D2 I can also use:
alias Tuple!(long,float,short,double,float,long,real) someTypes;
static assert(Filter!(IsFloat, someTypes).length == 4);
In D the "static if", "static assert" can be a little redundant with their non-static variants, but the "static " in front of them is very useful both to ask the compiler a different semantics, and to make the code self-documenting: it's very easy to tell that an if is done at compile-time because there's a "static " before it.
But in D a foreach on a tuple is always static, even in normal functions. In the beginning of my D programming I didn't know this, I have had to look at the asm to know this. So I think it can be better if D2 requires a "static" before "foreach" when the foreach is static, that is done on a tuple. This doesn't change the semantics of the language at all, it's just syntax, it just makes the code more self-documenting (but later if the semantics of tuples changes, becoming more high-level and different, then this can cause a little problem).
(Later, if you want, you can also change the semantics a little, allowing the "static foreach" outside the scope of any function too, like the "static if". The usage of "static foreach(x; 0..10)" is common).
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