Improving Compiler Error Messages
bearophileHUGS at
Sun May 2 18:37:23 PDT 2010
Walter Bright:
>I couldn't find the posting. Can you provide a link please?<
I have spent something like an hour to find this (but I have not wasted this time, because as usual while looking for this post I have found something unrelated: two old bugs that I have shown in the D newsgroup that exist still, so I'll add them to Bugzilla soon later), and you are right. I think I have never written this idea in D newsgroups :-) Before giving some of my free time for the development of D I have given similar help for Python. So my post was there, six years ago, see point 12), sorry for my mistake:
The point 12) was:
12) Mathematica's interactive IDE suggests possible spelling errors; this feature is often useful, works with builtin name functions too, and it can be switched off.
In[1]:= sin2 = N[Sin[2]]
Out[1]= 0.909297
In[2]:= sina2
General::"spell1": "Possible spelling error: new symbol name "sina2" is similar to existing symbol "sin2".
Out[2]= sina2
I don't know if some Python IDEs (or IPython) do this already, but it can be useful in Pythonwin.
>I think there's a misunderstanding. The bit about semicolons in the article was not about removing statement terminators, it was about the idea that a statement termination can be inferred.<
I see and indeed I didn't understand well here. Thank you very much for explaining.
>What Python did was use a linefeed as the statement terminator rather than the ;. Python does not attempt to infer where they should go.<
In Python you need semicolons to separate commands if they are on the same line (but all Python style guides suggest to split this line):
x = 5; print x
>The redundancy is still there.<
Well, yes, there is the line termination still. But you can see that for the fingers of the programmer the redundancy in Python is lower.
Instead of three keys (on my keyboard I need shift for the semicolon):
you have to type just one:
This helps Python newbies and casual programmers (Python is often used as first language, so this is important), reduces typing a little, removes some syntax noise from the code, avoids missing semicolon errors (that are common in code written by programming newbies), etc. It's good for me too despite I am not a Python newbie.
>Javascript is fundamentally different in that it attempts to infer the statement terminator.<
Right. And it seems Scala tries to do something related (even if Scala can be better on this too).
>So why does D have ; as a statement terminator? The simple answer is because D is intended to have a low barrier for entry for C, C++, etc., programmers. The familiar look & feel makes the new language less intimidating.<
Note that in Python ending semicolons are optional, if you use them there are no errors, I have personally seen several C/Java programmers write Python code this way and this causes zero problems:
x = 5;
print x;
And a C++ programmer scared by the fact that ending semicolons are optional? (This means such C++ programmer can write semicolons everywhere, and can find D code written by other people with no ending semicolons). Of all the mountain of syntactic mess the C++ is, I can't believe a normal C++ programmer can be scared by this :-) Of all the differences introduced by D over C++ this one seems minor.
D classes being reference values that must be allocated with a new looks like the more frequent cause of troubles for D newbies coming from C++.
>A personal answer is that I simply like it.<
My personal answer, is that I've written too many semicolons in my programming life, I prefer languages where I can avoid semicolons at the end of lines (if the language is well designed for this and doesn't infer anything. In JavaScript I want to use semicolons) :-)
Thank you for your answers,
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