Tango & Phobos
dlist at C++.net
Sun May 2 23:24:31 PDT 2010
"Walter Bright" <newshound1 at digitalmars.com> wrote in message
news:hrkp7r$30fp$1 at digitalmars.com...
> Jeff Nowakowski wrote:
>> It looks like you finally broke down and violated your own stated
>> principles by deleting the posts of others (aside from spam) without
>> asking. As a reader of this newsgroup, I'm not so much offended as
>> surprised and disappointed. How many years has this newsgroup survived
>> without such moderation?
> Yes, this is the one and only time I did that. Maybe it was a really
> bad idea, and something we can point to in the future as why it
> shouldn't be done again.
> What do you think?
I think anarchy doesn't work. The squeeky wheel gets the grease, and on
and on with the cliches. Think about it analytically. Start from the
perspective of complete control of product design by one person and at
the other extreme, er, um, GNU? (I couldn't resist that!). At the other
extreme, I was about to say, is complete "homogenization". That is,
"designed by everyone". Somewhere in-between is "design by committee". Of
course, such a curt view of things doesn't even scratch the surface of
all the different aspects that are important in product creation and
I know you are discussing post removal, but the above is relevant, though
maybe a parallel track. Not that the above is the the climax of this
post. Let me be blunt: "To filter or not to filter, that is the
question!" (from the Latin, meaning: green eggs and Ham legs). Sure. Go
ahead. <insert 10 second pause> Ah, but there is the rub. Torn between
philosophy and knighthood be you? I've noted that the "noise" in your
groups is minimal. Hence, leaving those posts inline, seems appropriate.
Oh, but wait (insert de-emphasized exclamation mark here). Any and all
posts that "cross the line", should be immediately removed.
Your group. Your line. No generality of whether "to be or not to be"
applies (always and in all cases, I theorize). Or are you worried about
being "graded" for it? Don't sweat it, if it's not a job for you, don't
fake it. Doesn't it suck, Walter, that every little decision you have to
make becomes cumbersome? If so, I can only offer this (but it is not
advice, of course): move your locks (from concurrent programming
techniques 101) to a higher level. "Pffft!" you say, because that is "not
efficient", not "close to the machine"... blah blah. There is only so
much you can do with primitives. Everything is not an int.
(This commercial message brought to you by: "I've been on the wagon for a
week, and I have hayfever! Yeah, I've tried drugs, but nothing works. OK,
actifed does sometimes, sudafed sucks, but this allergy is quite specific
and the ONLY thing that helps is what's in resveratrol, but the lab
version DOES NOT WORK!! Trust me, I know. So I HAVE TO get the pure form
or I could die. "Pfft!" you say? Pfft, as if you were a witch doctor!
Which doctor are you? PhD from ... OK, I have GPS. In which gothic
building did you matriculize? ).
Not to be mired in theories of conspirity or undulationalism(ality), (and
the neccessity of the parens of the preceding should be obvious, even to
the casual affectionato), and all humour bones aside, and speaking
entirely seriously, of course, and with great libations and pursuits of
poppies noted, but not "necessarily" sought (that was a joke), there is
only one (obvious, ... well I told her to wear the red dr... nevermind)
thing left to say: I did not have, nor am I having now, nor to I plan to
ever again have (aside: <pretend loss of thought to avoid the tedium of
explaining the relevance or lack thereof> but the important part does
distract (me), can I place a personal ad in this "news"group? I will
assume YES so here it is: SWM ISO F! <-- See! I can't even post a
personal ad without those ancient thinkers "chiming" in. </tangent(?)(you
decide) off>
To be or not to be... was that a question? Get thee to a
Wikipedia-for-the-Soul! Where there will be soup. Soup is good. Chips are
great to. Do you like chips? They are "bad" for you, ya know (;), ;)).
OK, they may be if you have a chip fetish. It's really so hard to post
anything because everything seems to be intertwined and all attempts (I'm
being facetious, no one has attempted such) at unificamorphicating, have
failed (Bartender! Reason to celebrate! Drinks are ... on HER! And YES, I
AM BUYING!!!). See, now I have "said it": and those pesky
feminaz..ATIONALs (yeah, that's the tickey!) are going to flood your
"news" (news? what news? An elephant walks into a bar. A jackass seated
at the bar asks the elephant: "have you heard the news?" The elephant
"listens" to the jackass, sit's concernedly down next to jackass and
combobulates: "Oh man, I heard the news today.. oh boy. Hi sweety, I'll
have a gin and tonic, easy on the lime").
OK, OK, OK, I wouldn't want to be classified (Yowza! Sounds SEXY!! "Yeah
baby, I'm 'classified'. I have outlook, and I'm NOT saying Microsoftism.
I kinda like you right away, ya know, and ya know I know you know I do,
and I just wanted you to know that I am not who I appear to be. Not that
I assert (Assert(vixen) ;) (?)(YOU, do not decide, asshats. :P Do not
pass 'goet' (yes, do that search on google right now!))) you are gazing
at my <see later in this sentence>, unbeknownst to others, oops, but it
is apparently gathering quick attention by the cute american foxes that I
am a WILD AND CRAZY GUY(!!!) and they love my plaid pants and
especially my buldg.. er, um, my.. BULLDOG(!), (yeah, that's the
tickey) ) a troll (downza :( ). I posted the above incompletionism (ref:
"icompletionism", 20historical wiki (can you find it? And you call
yourself (not you Mr. Walden) a programmer?!)
*** <-- my own invention (use it, or lose it)
So, now we've come full circle. I'm so glad to have this time together.
Just to share a laugh or sing a song.
For those of you still figuring out the important parentheses, ask the
owner of this group because I don't even know what is appropriate here.
Hehe, apparently, he doesn't either!
and no, that is not a "climax". I don't even have 3D glasses, so
curb yourself
you know who you are
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