public import and bugs it causes
Alex Makhotin
alex at
Sat May 15 07:20:15 PDT 2010
In previous post I was unsatisfied about the much typing in the D
language to solve the globals problem.
And what came next is I realized the alternative: Go Programming Language.
Among the other significant advantages(goroutines etc.) it claims *less
typing*. Reading the newsgroups, finally I go strait to the specification:
Excerpt from
> Assume we have compiled a package containing the package clause package math, which exports function Sin, and installed the compiled package in the file identified by "lib/math". This table illustrates how Sin may be accessed in files that import the package after the various types of import declaration.
> Import declaration Local name of Sin
> import "lib/math" math.Sin
> import M "lib/math" M.Sin
> import . "lib/math" Sin
I think that's better than in D.
By default it requires me to access fully qualified name of the global.
Renamed import doesn't require '= '.
Explicit period required to use exported name without prefix.
I like less typing, I like the Go!
Alex Makhotin,
the founder of BITPROX,
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