std.gregorian contribution
Tomek Sowiński
just at
Mon May 17 10:03:21 PDT 2010
negerns wrote:
> Also, I have introduced a unjoin() function as a helper function. It
> splits a string into an array of lines using the specified array of
> characters as delimiters. I am not sure if there is already an
> function that does the same but I could not find it. For lack of a
> better word I opted for the opposite of the join() function in
> string[] unjoin(string s, char[] ch)
> {
> uint start = 0;
> uint i = 0;
> string[] result;
> for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
> if (indexOf(ch, s[i]) != -1) {
> result ~= s[start..i];
> start = i + 1;
> }
> }
> if (start < i) {
> result ~= s[start..$];
> }
> return result;
> }
> unittest {
> string s = "2010-05-31";
> string[] r = unjoin(s, ['/', '-', '.', ',', '\\']);
> assert(r[0] == "2010");
> assert(r[1] == "05");
> assert(r[2] == "31");
> }
Thanks, it's useful. There's std.string.split but it takes only one
delimiter. It'd be nice to have it as an overload that takes any range
of delims. Yet, a delim can be a string (an array) and there would be
problems how to understand split(..., "://"). So I suggest calling it
splitBy to disambiguate. Like it?
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