Does D suck?

Mike Farnsworth mike.farnsworth at
Mon May 17 15:25:19 PDT 2010

GirlProgrammer Wrote:

> BCS wrote:
> > Hello GirlProgrammer,
> >
> >> If D doesn't suck, and is better than C++ why am I not using it?
> >> Indeed, why isn't hardly anyone using it?
> >>
> >
> > Because qunatity of D libraries sucks and because the D tool chains
> > suck and because the D infrastructure sucks and because all the rest
> > of the stuff that gets good after you've been a popular language for
> > a decade or so still sucks.
> >
> > <jokeingly type="86%">We're working on it, OK!?!?</jokeingly>
> On the joking html part, and it's been how many YEARS now? Circa 1996? 

Not to feed the troll or anything, but a little datapoint for the rest of you: my father created the first large-scale commercial software for factory/fab simulation and scheduling starting in, oh, 1981, and it is *STILL* profitable and relevant.

Some things take time.  Patience, padawan.  The software industry moves fast, but sometimes it shouldn't.  This ain't a popularity contest or a political campaign.  It's a tool in the toolbox.

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