Please, don't feed the troll (was "Does D Suck?")

superdan super at
Mon May 17 20:12:00 PDT 2010

== Quote from Bernard Helyer (b.helyer at's article
> On 17/05/10 17:17, GirlProgrammer wrote:
> > If D doesn't suck, and is better than C++ why am I not using it? Indeed,
> > why isn't hardly anyone using it?
> I imagine you get some dull pleasure from posting essentially the same
> message to the NG every few months or so (this is almost certainly the
> person behind the 'is d a cult' thread a few months ago, and ios the
> same person behind 'what is d' from a few weeks) so until
> GirlProgrammer/Jane Doe/Janis D/angelinastyle contributes a question
> beyond the same simple troll, 'she' is not worth responding to, so I'd
> just like to take this opportunity to remind the NG of the content 'she'
> has previously posted, and reconsider in replying to 'her' accordingly.
> Just a friendly PSA.  n_n
> PS: It's nice to see that you've updated your XP install since your last
> message!

yeah dun feed da troll. ass to mouth da troll. too bad that ain't gonna be
pleasant. cocksucka as girlprogrammer is it ain't no broad. its a punk-ass
motherfucker posing as chick 2 give a twist to his lame life. shit.

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