To interface or not to interface
Jacob Carlborg
doob at
Wed May 26 12:44:58 PDT 2010
On 2010-05-26 16.20, Michel Fortin wrote:
> On 2010-05-26 06:55:14 -0400, Jacob Carlborg <doob at> said:
>> On 2010-05-25 17.03, Michel Fortin wrote:
>>> On 2010-05-25 10:01:48 -0400, Jacob Carlborg <doob at> said:
>>>> Now Item could be an interface but it don't have to be. I suggest you
>>>> have a look at Apple's documentation of NSTableView:
>>> What Cocoa is doing is basically allowing 'optional' methods in an
>>> interface (a protocol in Objective-C). Taking your example, the
>>> NSTableViewDataSource protocol contains a lot of functions to provide
>>> the required data to a table. But many of them are optional: for
>>> instance a data source that does not implement the
>>> "...setObjectValue..." method will prevent the table's content from
>>> being edited, one that doesn't implement the
>>> "...sortDescriptorsDidChange..." method prevents the table from being
>>> sorted by clicking on its column headers, one that doesn't implement the
>>> various methods for drag and drop will prevent rows from being dragged.
>> I've always thought that this design and the similar Java uses with
>> interfaces, anonymous classes and adapters is just a design chosen
>> because the languages are limited, don't support delegates.
> Indeed.
> Well, I think you could use runtime-reflection to achieve the same thing
> in Java, but that would make your interfaces "informal", in the sense
> that you just can't put those optional functions in the interfaces. (And
> it'd uglify the code a lot.) Technically, this is what was done prior
> Mac OS X 10.6 with informal protocols; I say "almost" since the method
> signatures being added as unimplemented categories to NSObject, they
> could still checked for correctness by the compiler.
If I recall correctly writing code that uses runtime-refelection in Java
isn't pretty, especial compared to something like Ruby where it's just
as easy as any other code you write.
>>> Perhaps interfaces could be allowed to have optional methods that would
>>> require you to check if they're implemented before use.
>> How would you check if a method is implemented or not ?
> In Objective-C, it's quite easy. For instance, I've made my own subclass
> of NSTableView querying the delegate for a background color for a given
> row. So here's how you use the delegate:
> id delegate = [self delegate];
> if ([delegate
> respondsToSelector:@selector(tableView:backgroundColorForRow:)]) {
> NSColor *color = [delegate tableView:self backgroundColorForRow:row];
> ...draw background color...
> }
Yes, Objective-C makes that easy with its message passing system.
> In D you can't do that currently, but here's how it could be added.
> First add an optional attribute for interface members:
> interface TableDelegate {
> ...
> @optional NSColor backgroundColorForRow(NSTableView table, size_t row);
> }
> Classes implementing the interface can omit the @optional methods. When
> omitted, the interface function is null. When using the interface, you
> must check first if the optional function is implemented by making sure
> the address isn't null:
> TableDelegate delegate = this.delegate;
> if (&delegate.backgroundColorForRow != null) {
> NSColor color = delegate.backgroundColorForRow(this, row);
> ...draw background color...
> }
> This would work somewhat similarily to weak-linked symbols.
That is quite a clever idea, to check for null. The question is then how
much trouble would that be to implement.
/Jacob Carlborg
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