Bug fix week

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at yahoo.com
Thu May 27 09:47:00 PDT 2010

bearophile wrote:
> Stewart Gordon:
>> This is the one that needs fixing most of all:
>> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=677
> I don't think Walter will fix that bug.

So you suspect that he's going to leave D until the end of time as a 
language that cannot be implemented by third parties because the spec is 

> If you think that bug is important for you,

And if I don't _think_ that it's important for _me_, but _know_ that 
it's important to _the community_, then what?

> then I suggest you to find other people that agree with you, and 
> write down the specs yourself (and then maybe Walter will read your 
> document to tell you how to fix its errors).

By "errors", do you mean:
* obvious typos?
* bits that don't coincide with how DMD does things?
* bits that don't coincide with how Walter intended it?
* bits that don't coincide with Walter's current opinion?
* something else?

> This is the most voted bug, one of those votes is mine, but now I am 
> not so sure Walter takes a look at the vote counts when he fixes 
> bugs:

So I'd suspected.  But then, what _does_ Walter use the votes for? 
After all, he advertised the feature


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