Memory Mapped File Access

Robert robert.muench at
Sat May 29 01:17:34 PDT 2010

On 2010-05-28 23:41:46 +0200, Robert <robert.muench at> said:

> 1. How can I expand the size of a MMF after it was created?

Replying to myself: Simple, close the file, and re-open with new size. 
Old content is kept. This should be added to the docs, as it's not 
totally clear.

> 2. If I specify 100GB file-size will it always be written once to disk 
> even if there is nothing in it? Or does the OS use sparse-files as well?

Current things I found out: Filesize is used as soon as things are 
flushed to disk. So MMF need to grow in chunks to be real useful.

Robert M. Münch

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