D/Objective-C Preliminary Design
Anders F Björklund
afb at algonet.se
Thu Nov 4 05:44:05 PDT 2010
Michel Fortin wrote:
>>> Remove that and you've got something that doesn't read
>>> well and on top of that looks out of place in a D program.
>> The JavaBridge had lots of those functions, while it was alive:
>> http://developer.apple.com/legacy/mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Legacy/JavaBridge/JavaBridge.pdf
> I think a similar approach should be taken for tools that create
> bindings. Which means that by default it picks the first part of the
> selector as the function's name, but if you defined a custom mapping
> then it'll use that instead.
Sure, I just meant that it will still look long and out of place ?
Just like it did in Java... And that's probably saying something.
(Java wasn't exactly afraid of long-widing names in the first place)
One of the old favorites was addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey
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