null [re: spec#]

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Sun Nov 7 14:55:03 PST 2010


> You are saying as it is something trivial. :)
> Const/Immutable is one of the most important and complex part of a  
> language.

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like that. It's indeed hard to design the immutable system of D. And my mind is not good enough yet to design it. Nonetheless there are some important holes left in it. The D module system too is essentially unfinished. To me it is becoming increasingly clear that to design a language you need theories, well rounded lumps of ideas that allow you to implement complex features in a comprehensive way, that don't leave too many large corner cases behind (some corner cases are acceptable in a practical language but too much of them are a sign of a "glued together" language). In the end no language is perfect, but probably many new languages fail not because of misfortune or commercial pressures, but because they are badly designed. Another thing that I have just learnt is that it's quite hard to design a language in community. To design a language you need one, two or three very intelligent persons that interact closely with each other. And probably one of those few persons need to be a "theoretician".


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