std.regexp vs std.regex [Re: RegExp.find() now crippled]

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Tue Nov 16 21:03:26 PST 2010

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:24:32 -0500, Steve Teale  
<steve.teale at> wrote:

> Steven Schveighoffer Wrote:
>> I'm guessing you are referring to php's pcre vs posix regex?  I think
>> posix is marked as deprecated...
> Steve,
> No. I just meant that the library that comes with PHP seems happy to  
> provide different ways of doing the same thing, as in for example, CURL,  
> DOMDocument, and standard file operation wrappers.

I don't know much about php's lib because I haven't used it enough to know  
the tendencies of library acceptance.  But two different APIs for doing  
regex strike me as way more overlapping than CURL and file operation  

> I've been following D on and off for about seven or eight years now, so  
> I don't subscribe too much to the 'when it's finished' argument. By now,  
> it needs to work for real projects.

D2 is much younger than that.  D1 is complete (to use the term loosely),  
if you want to use that, its API will not change.  There are quite a few  
projects using D1 for real work (I wrote one a few years ago).

D2 is changing monthly, to the point where newer versions of phobos  
require newer versions of the compiler due to compiler bugs fixed or  
features added.  I can't see how it can be considered finished.

Don has recently brought up on the mailing list that we should identify  
the status of each module in the ddoc so people can understand the plans  
for that module before basing their work on it.  I can see how spending  
lots of time working with something only to have it disappear can be  
hugely frustrating.


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