Invariants for methods

Jens Mueller jens.k.mueller at
Thu Nov 18 13:29:15 PST 2010

Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Thursday 18 November 2010 12:08:19 Jens Mueller wrote:
> > 
> > I like it.
> > Thanks.
> > What I'd even like better (because contracts are release specific):
> > release {
> >     const currentWidth = width;
> >     const currentHeight = height;
> >     scope (exit) {
> >         assert(currentWidth == width);
> >         assert(currentHeight == height);
> >     }
> > }
> > But that does not work. Why do we have special syntax for debug but not for
> > release. Both seem to me very similar. In the end I tend to think
> > release/debug as a shorthand for version(release/debug). But that's not
> > quite right. Somehow it's allowed to write version(unittest) {}
> > equivalently for unittest {}. But for debug/release there is no such
> > thing. Why this asymmetry?
> One thing that you need to realize is that the -release and -debug flags are 
> _completely_ unrelated. You can use none, or one, or even both.
> -release disables assertions (other than assert(0)) - including removing all 
> pre-conditions, post-condition, and invariants - and removes array bounds 
> checking for @system and @trusted functions.
> -debug enables all debug blocks.
> So, you can have
> * Neither flag: All assertions, contracts, and array bounds checking are enabled, 
> and debug blocks are not compiled in.
> * -release only: All assertions, contracts, and array bounds checking for 
> @system and @trusted functions are removed. debug blocks are not compiled in.
> * -debug only: All assertions, contracts, and array bounds checking are enabled, 
> and debug blocks are compiled in.
> * Both flags: All assertions, contracts, and array bounds checking in @system and 
> @trusted functions are removed. debug blocks are compiled in.

I think unittest should be added to this list. Because it can cause more

> So, the flags in question are quite confusing really, and talking about debug 
> mode doesn't actually make sense when you think about it. You have release mode 
> and non-release mode. And you either have debug blocks enabled or you don't. And 
> on top of that, you have whether debug symbols are enabled or not (even worse, 
> there are two different flags for enabling debug symobls: -g and -gc). So, the 
> flags as they are make the whole release vs debug build thing really confusing, 
> and they're probably not terms that really should be used unless you're talking 
> about your specific build process and the specific set of flags that you use for 
> building for release builds and the specific set of flags that you use for debug 
> builds. But talking about release and debug builds is so ingrained in people, 
> that they keep using the terms anyway, and most people probably don't quite 
> understand the imprecision of the terms with regards to dmd.

I totally agree with you and I think one should fix dmd's help message.
I would love to see
-release       same as -nocontracts -noasserts -noboundscheck
-debugging     same as -debug -unittest -contracts -asserts -boundscheck
-testing       same as -unittest -contracts, -asserts, -boundscheck

These switches basically configure your software (which code to
compile). And above you find the typical configurations for release,
testing and debugging. One could leave out the defaults.

Having orthogonal command line switches:
-(no)boundscheck    compile in array bound checks
-(no)contracts      compile in contracts
-(no)debug          compile in debug
-(no)unittest       compile in unittest
-(no)assert         -noassert causes assert(<compile-time constant>)
                    to be translated to hlt
with some sensible default (but only disabling the default might be
implemented) e.g.
This we have already. Because we -unittest.
This we have as well via -debug.
This too (-noboundscheck).
Missing: -nocontracts
Missing: -noasserts

But I think this can lead to something like -unittest -noassert which is
rather strange. Don't know. Would still go for it.

And now as you say one can specify -g for debug symbols or -O for
In summary there are two things to consider:
1. What code will be included? (debug, unittest, contracts, assertions,
   boundschecking, and version=xxx)
2. How will the code be generated? (with debug symbols -g, -gc;
   optimized -0)

Typical release code is built via -release -O I'll guess. It's true
-release does not do a release build as one expects. Same for
-debugging. Because -g is missing. Better names would help here. But
it's difficult to change that now, isn't it? That's why better dmd
--help output should be sufficient.


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