Looking for champion - std.lang.d.lex

Michael Stover michael.r.stover at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 14:25:17 PST 2010

As for D lexers and tokenizers, what would be nice is to
A) build an antlr grammar for D
B) build D targets for antlr so that antlr can generate lexers and parsers
in the D language.

For B) I found http://www.mbutscher.de/antlrd/index.html

For A) A good list of antlr grammars is at http://www.antlr.org/grammar/list,
but there isn't a D grammar.

These things wouldn't be an enormous amount of work to create and maintain,
and, if done, anyone could parse D code in many languages, including Java
and C which would make providing IDE features for D development easier in
those languages (eclipse for instance), and you could build lexers and
parsers in D using antlr grammars.


On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Bruno Medeiros
<brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail> wrote:

> On 27/10/2010 22:43, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "retard"<re at tard.com.invalid>  wrote in message
>> news:iaa44v$17sf$2 at digitalmars.com...
>>> I only meant that the widespead adoption of Java shows how the public at
>>> large cares very little about the performance issues you mentioned.
>> The public at large is convinced that "Java is fast now, really!". So I'm
>> not certain widespread adoption of Java necessarily indicates they don't
>> care so much about performance. Of course, Java is quickly becoming a
>> legacy
>> language anyway (the next COBOL, IMO), so that throws another wrench into
>> the works.
> Java is quickly becoming a legacy language? the next COBOL? SRSLY?...
> Just two years ago, the now hugely popular Android platform choose Java as
> it's language of choice, and you think Java is becoming legacy?...
> The development of the Java language itself has stagnated over the last 6
> years or so (especially due to corporate politics, which now has become even
> worse and uncertain with all the shit Oracle is doing), but that's a
> completely different statement from saying Java is becoming legacy.
> In fact, all the uproar and concern about the future of Java under Oracle,
> of the JVM, of the JCP (the body that regulates changes to Java),etc., is a
> testament to the huge popularity of Java. Otherwise people (and
> corporations) wouldn't care, they would just let it wither away with much
> less concern.
> --
> Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer
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