D1 -> D2

torhu no at spam.invalid
Fri Nov 19 18:13:20 PST 2010

On 20.11.2010 01:18, Walter Bright wrote:
> Bernard Helyer wrote:
>>  No. The contents of a version block is still parsed. If the D2 code
>>  doesn't _parse_ as valid D1, then the D1 compiler will reject it, even if
>>  the version block will not be processed further than that.
> Yes. Now, if the D1 compiler is supposed to successfully lex&  parse (and then
> ignore) false version blocks, it becomes impossible for a D1 compiler to be
> stable. It will have to track every future D language variant, missteps and all.

But current D 1 compilers are useless for most people anyway, until 
Tango catches up.  And in any case, if you upgrade, you often get some 
nice new bugs in addition to the fixes, so upgrading is often not worth 
the hassle.  But making it easier to go from D 1 to D 2 would still be a 
big gain, so why not do that?  No one cares about "stability" of D 1 
compilers.  If you want "stability", it's very simple.  You just don't 

Tango is dying, and D 1 with it.  We don't want "stability", we want a 
viable way to move to D 2.

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