Looking for champion - std.lang.d.lex
Bruno Medeiros
brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Wed Nov 24 07:13:08 PST 2010
On 19/11/2010 23:56, Michael Stover wrote:
> so that was 4 months ago - how do things currently stand on that initiative?
> -Mike
> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Bruno Medeiros
> <brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail> wrote:
> On 19/11/2010 22:25, Michael Stover wrote:
> As for D lexers and tokenizers, what would be nice is to
> A) build an antlr grammar for D
> B) build D targets for antlr so that antlr can generate lexers and
> parsers in the D language.
> For B) I found http://www.mbutscher.de/antlrd/index.html
> For A) A good list of antlr grammars is at
> http://www.antlr.org/grammar/list, but there isn't a D grammar.
> These things wouldn't be an enormous amount of work to create and
> maintain, and, if done, anyone could parse D code in many languages,
> including Java and C which would make providing IDE features for D
> development easier in those languages (eclipse for instance),
> and you
> could build lexers and parsers in D using antlr grammars.
> -Mike
> Yes, that would be much better. It would be directly and immediately
> useful for the DDT project:
> "But better yet would be to start coding our own custom parser
> (using a parser generator like ANTLR for example), that could really
> be tailored for IDE needs. In the medium/long term, that's probably
> what needs to be done. "
> in
> http://www.digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/ide/Future_of_Descent_and_D_Eclipse_IDE_635.html
> --
> Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer
I don't know about Ellery, as you can see in that thread he/she(?)
mentioned interest in working on that, but I don't know anything more.
As for me, I didn't work on that, nor did I plan to.
Nor am I planning to anytime soon, DDT can handle things with the
current parser for now (bugs can be fixed on the current code, perhaps
some limitations can be resolved by merging some more code from DMD), so
I'll likely work on other more important features before I go there. For
example, I'll likely work on debugger integration, and code completion
improvements before I would go on writing a new parser from scratch.
Plus, it gives more time to hopefully someone else work on it. :P
Unlike Walter, I can't write a D parser in a weekend... :) Not even on a
week, especially since I never done anything of this kind before.
Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer
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