GCC 4.6
Emil Madsen
sovende at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 01:27:30 PST 2010
On 25 November 2010 01:15, Iain Buclaw <ibuclaw at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> == Quote from Emil Madsen (sovende at gmail.com)'s article
> > --90e6ba539f3ee121840495d5033f
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> > On 25 November 2010 00:25, Walter Bright <newshound2 at digitalmars.com>
> wrote:
> > > Emil Madsen wrote:
> > >
> > >> And yea, bearophile brings up a lot of nice features, and Walter would
> > >> never have a chance to implement all of them himself, which might be
> good,
> > >> if everything bearophile suggests got into the language, we would have
> this
> > >> major language noone would ever be able to learn, nor use. However, if
> we
> > >> succeed in implementing the best ideas I do think we'll end up with a
> superb
> > >> output, however I do think we need to discuss a lot of issues and
> features,
> > >> and thats why I love bearophiles postings, simply because it gives the
> > >> community a lot to discuss.
> > >>
> > >> Just my opinion. - But I do think discussing a lot of features, even
> the
> > >> ones not really related, will help out the language in the end.
> > >>
> > >
> > > I think bearophile does a valuable service to us by bringing up
> discussion
> > > topics.
> > >
> > > My gripe is when he lists things that he wishes D did when D already
> does
> > > them and has for years. Case in point: D imports. It's irksome when he
> often
> > > writes from the perspective of assuming that D does it wrong while
> other
> > > languages are assumed to do it right. Case in point: design by
> contract, and
> > > his assumption that dmd was a primitive compiler that did not do data
> flow
> > > analysis while praising llvm's.
> > >
> > > My concern about that is that with the volume of his posts, I will miss
> > > some of them, and people inexperienced with D will presume those
> mistakes
> > > and misunderstandings are correct.
> > >
> > > I have no issue at all with bringing up factual shortcomings of D, even
> > > when I disagree about whether they are actual shortcomings or not. For
> > > example, it is a fact that D does not check for integer arithmetic
> overflow.
> > > Whether that's a problem or not is a fine topic for discussion.
> > >
> > Well I must agree with you, atleast on the part, about how he sometimes
> > seems negative about what dmd does. - And that tune, is obviously not
> nice
> > towards you, as your the one doing the hard work, but lets just try to
> > remember, that bearophile just wants D to be the best, eh?
> > What really is an issue for me currently, is that the mailing list seems
> > like its going a tad into war, that is between you and bearophile
> sometimes;
> > wheres you should instead be joining forces. - As it seems to me, D got
> > about the best compiler writer out there, and one of the best feature
> > requester/discusser :).
> > And I can understand you concerns, about how newcomers to D, might react
> > reading about all of these things bearophile complains about, and wants
> to
> > change/add.
> > - Just curious, how much of your time do you spend on reading this
> mailing
> > list a day?
> > (Excuse my somewhat bad english tonight (its 3am))
> He's started peeking an interest at GDC too, which was both amusing and
> heartening
> to see. I don't honestly think any of his comments can really be seen as
> complaints. As has already been echoed, most are very informative, he
> always seems
> to pick up on things you don't commonly think about. Then again, I can see
> it can
> get a bit tiring how he almost always starts off with "Language/Compiler
> <Y> does
> <Feature X>", then goes on to explain that yours doesn't. This is where I
> see
> myself going terse over things very quickly.
> I think you wrongly see things as war-like. It's all really just healthy
> discussion and competition.
Sure it can get tiring when hes like saying 'Language/Compiler <Y>
does<Feature X>', but while he does so, he also brings up a discussion
whether its something to add or not. - And I must say, a lot of the features
he points out in other language seem like good things :) - however pointing
it out, and being like; 'Why doesn't D do this?', might not be the right
tune, where it should be; 'Would it be an idea if D did this?', and I can
understand why the first tune might seem a tad hard on people like Walter,
when it already does.
About GDC, I think the dmd community should be watching whats happening at
LDC and GDC, they might come up with something good, before we do, eh?
I might be right about the way thing, its just, sometimes people seem a
little bit hostile if you ask me, but that might just me me thats a tad off.
// Yours sincerely
// Emil 'Skeen' Madsen
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