C#'s greatest mistakes

BLS windevguy at hotmail.de
Sat Nov 27 13:45:28 PST 2010

On 27/11/2010 22:22, bearophobic wrote:
> Critical articles of D damage our reputation. The internet archives and

So bearophobic == bearophile ?

well, NO it is definitely not my intention to  produce unnecessary 
noise. Instead (like bearophile) I want a better D2.

and (erm) I think this is a valuable suggestion..
Enable compiler plug-in's so that you can write ..

void ExecSQLQuery()
   DataTable dt = new DataTable();

   SQL92{ /*like asm {} */
     dt = SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE IsPotentialClient = 1;

//The D lexer/parser unit calls the D2 SQL92 Translator on finding 
SQL92{ which emits this D code.

   import SQL92
   dt = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE PotentialClient = 1");

I am not talking about embedded SQL, instead I am thinking about a smart 
way to embed 4GLs (LISP/PROLOG/ERLANG) into D. and as shown within the 
example. using the D scope.

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