C#'s greatest mistakes

"Jérôme M. Berger" jeberger at free.fr
Sun Nov 28 04:43:47 PST 2010

Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> A clearer way to create such template constraints would definitely be nice. But 
> aside from the fact that I'd absolutely hate to see interfaces be conflated with 
> template constraints in this manner, you'd need a way to deal with the fact that 
> the parameters and return types for such functions are frequently dependent on 
> the type that the template is being instantiated with. A concept as you describe 
> it would have to somehow take templated types into account in a way that 
> interfaces can't. For instance, you could never define an interface which defined 
> a forward range like isForwardRange!() does because the interface wouldn't be 
> properly templatized.
	Why not?

concept FooBar(U)
   int  foo (int);
   bool bar (U);

template Test(T, U) if (is!(FooBar!U, T)) ...

	This already works with class and interface templates...

mailto:jeberger at free.fr
Jabber: jeberger at jabber.fr

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