D's greatest mistakes

dolive dolive89 at sina.com
Mon Nov 29 13:13:08 PST 2010

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> On 11/29/10 5:48 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> > The licensing issues with DMD. I get the feeling we would have many
> > more contributors to the reference compiler and have bugs fixed at a
> > much faster rate than right now. Walter is already working at 110% of
> > his abilities, at least that's the impression I get. I think maybe D2
> > has grown beyond anyone's expectations, so now the compiler team
> > (Walter&  Don I guess?) has to chase down all the features that D2 is
> > supossed to have and implement them.
> >
> > I don't think its feasible for such a small team to fix that many bugs
> > for a huge language like D2, at least not in a short-term timeline.
> > And Bugzilla seems to grow day by day with no end in sight.
> One metric I proposed to Walter is the "bug age", i.e. the date of the 
> oldest unfixed bug. If we prioritize bugs by importance first and 
> chronological second, I think we can get into a schedule that 
> systematically reduces the age of the oldest bug and then keep it 
> constant. Right now the process of choosing which bug to fix next is 
> unstructured.
> Andrei
Hope eventually to have a discuss of the  list of mistakes and their solutions.



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