The Many Faces of D - slides [ot]

Puneet Goel puneet.goel.d at
Sun Oct 3 17:24:52 PDT 2010

> Heh, I'm still using OpenOffice 1.1 just because it doesn't have those
> terribly ugly menubar/toolbar gradients (an old screenshot I used to
> demonstrate it to the boneheaded OOO developers who tried to tell me that it
> was just my system and not OpenOffice:
> They ended up
> ignoring it.) I know that's a really trivial reason, but I haven't had any
> problems with 1.1, so I've had no real reason to upgrade either.


OpenOffice (at least version 3.2 that I have on my Ubuntu box), picks
up the menu and toolbar styling from your Desktop theme. And I am
using the Gnome Desktop.

Well, I am also trying to tell you that it might be just your system :-)

- Puneet

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