Module-level accessibility

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Mon Oct 4 08:47:41 PDT 2010

On Monday 04 October 2010 04:41:53 Sergey wrote:
> Hi bearophile,
> you've just cheered me up :-) I'll proceed doing my best to get closer to
> this language.
> By the way, if it's not difficult for you, could you please clarify the
> following:
> 1) what did you mean by "far worse bugs" :-) just several examples
> 2) Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in his book that it's possible to make
> non-final methods of interfaces private, and then override them in derived
> classes. There are even examples in his book that demonstrate this. At the
> same time, current DMD documentation pretty clear says that nothing
> private can be overridden.

The current dmd is not entirely in line with TPDL. In almost all cases, however, 
that means that dmd needs to be fixed, so TDPL will be correct. But 
unfortunately, there are things that TDPL says which aren't true yet. This is 
one of them. Another one would be being able to have multiple alias this for a 
single struct or class - right now you're restricted to one. Supposedly, bugs 
which have to do with dmd not matcthing TDPL have TDPL in their name (though 
sometimes they don't), so if you search for TDPL in bugzilla, you should find a 
good chunk of them.

- Jonathan M Davis

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