About Andrei's interview, part 3 (on bearophile)

Simen kjaeraas simen.kjaras at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 09:10:53 PDT 2010

Bruno Medeiros <brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail> wrote:

> I don't know about the rest of people here in the NG, but actually I  
> would hope bearophile would post much less often, especially when its  
> him creating a new thread. And that's simply because he posts way too  
> often, with lots of detail, and it takes a lot of time to read up on all  
> that content, and to think about it with some depth.
> My default behavior with threads created by bearophile is just to skim  
> or skip them over altogether. And it has nothing to do with quality of  
> what bearophile says, because actually I think he often makes good  
> points and brings good insights... but there are just *way* too many of  
> them :P (not to mention the huge stream of links to articles on other  
> sites that often accompany bearophile's posts)

Understandable, but bearophile's threads are often among the most
interesting ones I feel, and well worth staying up late for.

> So yeah, bearophile, that's my plea. :-o Some of us like to sleep the  
> recommended number of hours...

That I've given up on a long time ago.


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