What would you rewrite in D?
Jonathan M Davis
jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Wed Oct 6 16:40:06 PDT 2010
On Wednesday, October 06, 2010 16:28:49 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> "Robert Clipsham" <robert at octarineparrot.com> wrote in message
> news:i8it3t$26f5$1 at digitalmars.com...
> > On 06/10/10 23:03, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> >>> Ok, for me GTK is native because I use Linux and a GTK based desktop.
> >>> I know that there's a native GTK port for OSX/Quartz and I thought GTK
> >>> had
> >>> themes to look native on Windows?
> >>
> >> It does make a vague attempt to look native on Windows, and is FAR
> >> better in
> >> that regard than, say, Swing, Winamp, Iron/Chrome, or pretty much
> >> anything
> >> from Apple. But there's still rather noticable differences in both look
> >> (the
> >> chunkiness I mentioned, just as one example) and in feel (particulary if
> >> you're using GIMP). It's kinda like gluing a picture of some wings
> >> overtop
> >> the logo on a Ferrari and saying "See, it's an Aston Martin!"
> >
> > Platform wise, GTK looks appalling on OS X, acceptable, if non-native on
> > Windows (I think there's a GTK theme that fixes this, not sure), and,
> > well, you use it on linux.
> Unless you're a KDE (or Xfce) user. Which actually brings up another thing:
> It's my understanding that wxWidgets can use other things than just GTK on
> Linux.
That's definitely cool if it can, but as far as I know, I've never seen it done.
wxwidget apps always seem to look like gtk in Linux (aka butt-ugly - I hate the
look of gtk; I'd have to be truly desperate to even consider writing an ap that
used gtk).
> And AIUI, Qt and KDE are tied togther in the same way as GTK and
> GNOME, so does that mean Qt won't use GTK for Linux users running GNOME?
There may be a gtk theme that gnome could enable (they have a qt theme for gtk
in KDE, but since it only changes the look somewhat and the functionality not at
all - like using a proper, Qt/KDE file dialog - the gain is minimal), but I
rather doubt that Qt makes an attempt to look like gtk on its own. Regardless,
since I'm a diehard KDE user, I wouldn't know. The whole idea of "native" gets a
bit funny on Linux anyway, since there really isn't such thing as a native GUI
on Linux. The closest that you'd get is whatever GUI toolkit your DE uses, but
it still isn't really native like you get with Windows.
- Jonathan M Davis
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